Workshop Introdoction to MTM

Get to know and understand MTM!
For the introduction and operational application of MTM, managers, works councils and decision makers need a basic understanding. In the workshop, the benefits of MTM will be made tangible by means of practical examples and reflected with regard to the own operational application: What are the benefits of MTM and how can a successful application be realised (training, software, introduction concept)?


  • Introduction to the MTM process (development, history, organization)
  • How does MTM work?
  • Insight into the process building block systems MTM-1® and MTM-UAS® 
  • Operational application of MTM (piloting, company agreement, introduction)
  • Eye-opening training and work design using operational case studies

Further topics can be tailored to the group of participants, e. g:

  • Logistics
  • Ergonomic work design