Publications of the MTM Institute

The most important areas of activity defined in the founding document of the MTM Institute include

  • the further development of the method standard,
  • Networking and improvement of the application requirements and
  • public relations work for the (work-) scientific discourse and broad (popular-) scientific impact.

Besides numerous books, the series "MTM-Schriften Industrial Engineering" (MTM writings Industrial Engineering) offers a platform to publish application-oriented and theoretical works in the field of industrial engineering in a citable way. The discontinuously appearing publications deal with MTM in the field of "Industrial Engineering" in a narrower and broader sense. They address new and further developments, practical applications in known and new fields as well as theoretical findings and aspects for the foundation and dissemination of MTM. The papers submitted for publication are subject to a review by the management of the MTM Institute.

Current publications


Your Contact

Sabine Schneider-Blemer

Phone +49 40 822779-32

Publications MTM Institute

Publication list 2022 [PDF]
Publication list 2021 [PDF]
Publication list 2020 [PDF]
Publication list 2019 [PDF]
Publication list 2018 [PDF]
Publication list 2017 [PDF]
Publication list 2016 [PDF]