The MTM-1 learning group with Portuguese as the course language is offered by the MTM Academy. The focus is on gaining practical application experience in the direction of MTM practitioner training.
17.12.2024 | MTM & EAWS Practicioner and Instructor Lounge
MTM Practitioners and MTM Instructors, as well as all interested parties, are cordially invited to learn about what's new and what's worth knowing about MTM training.
25.06.2025 | TiCon User's Day 2025
We would like to invite all maintenance customers to the next TiCon User's Day 2025 in Dresden. Feel free to take the opportunity to exchange ideas with users and administrators of MTM software solutions about new developments and best practices.
22.04.2026 - 23.04.2026 | MTM SUMMIT 2026 – Berlin
New time - New place - New topics!
Experience the MTM SUMMIT in a new format. Make a note of 22-23 April 2026 in your calendar today. After a short break in 2025, we look forward to welcoming you to Berlin in spring 2026.
Your Contact
Franziska Heiser
Phone +49 40 822779-26