| Where does my company give away time and money?

Have we reached the bottom yet? Is it going up again? If there's no second corona wave, then maybe… – but that's really all we can say for sure at the moment. This makes it all the more important to do your homework, i.e. to analyze the current situation, to identify its effects on your company and plan and implement the measures necessary to maintain competitiveness or even safeguard the company's very existence. The MTM organization offers professional, organizational and personnel support for all these aspects.


Have we reached the bottom yet? Is it going up again? If there's no second corona wave, then maybe… – but that's really all we can say for sure at the moment. This makes it all the more important to do your homework, i.e. to analyze the current situation, to identify its effects on your company and plan and implement the measures necessary to maintain competitiveness or even safeguard the company's very existence. The MTM organization offers professional, organizational and personnel support for all these aspects.

MTM-EasyTime, the new, cloud-based software for calculating production times, offers small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) an instrument they can use to determine time data easily, quickly and cost-effectively and identify any potential for optimization at the same time.

Successful SMEs use MTM-EasyTime to

  • calculate production times,
  • determine and control personnel requirements,
  • calculate prices and offers
  • improve workflows,
  • increase productivity and so
  • compete more effectively with low-cost countries as well.

Knowing what production can actually achieve
Knowing what production can actually achieve – i.e. how many units can be produced with how many employees, for example, or how much time must be planned for a particular activity, how hygiene measures and distancing regulations should be integrated into the planning and how much dormant potential there is – is as essential for corporations as it is for small and medium-sized companies. Well-founded decisions can only be based on valid time data. "Time is money", as Benjamin Franklin once told young merchants. So, where does my own company give away time – and therefore money?

Get out of the Crisis with our Productivity Check
Our QUESTIONNAIRE “THE PRODUCTIVITY CHALLENGE IN THE WAKE OF CORONA” (in German) provides you with a kind of checklist that will help you to recognize where your company stands in terms of productivity, where the main weak points are and where to look for the most important potential ways through and out of the crisis. The MTM ASSOCIATION e. V. is using the findings from this survey to support its members, customers and any companies interested in maintaining their competitiveness in the crisis or restarting production in the best possible way. We will send you the results on request: you will find our contact details at the end of the survey. Please allow about 10 minutes to complete it.

You can easily find out more via webinar and on YouTube
Do you want to learn more about MTM-EasyTime, its applications and the benefits of the cloud solution – and all this in only 45 minutes on a laptop or PC? A few clicks will bring you straight into our online seminar room! The next webinars will take place from 9-10 a.m. on:


Register for the webinars now HERE.
At www.mtm-easy.com / Info & Service, you can also make an appointment to find out more about the MTM online service’s time management products.

Would you like to make use of the time while you are waiting for your preferred date to learn more about MTM-EasyTime? Then visit us on YouTube: Product, application, tutorials, interviews, clips – all videos about MTM-EasyTime at a glance.

Your Contact

Ina Klose-Hegewald

Team Leader Communication and Marketing

Phone +49 40 822779-49