| Airbus, Audi, Daimler, Dehn, Harry's, Hella, Miele, Volkswagen represented on the executive board

This year's MTM general meeting was held with a written vote because of the Corona-related restrictions. The ballots received by mail or e-mail were counted on November 10, 2020 in the presence of a notary. The member companies Airbus, Audi, Daimler, Dehn, Harry's, Hella, Miele and Volkswagen are represented on the new executive board of MTM ASSOCIATION e. V.

This year's MTM general meeting was held with a written vote because of the Corona-related restrictions. On October 28, 2020, Chairman of the Board Dr. Ernst Krämer and MTM CEO Knuth Jasker informed the members in a virtual event about all the items to be voted on. These ranged from the 2019 annual report, the report of the auditors, the budget for the coming year to the presentation of the candidates for the board election.

The ordinary general meeting was held on November 10, 2020 at the association's headquarters in Hamburg under the direction of Dr. Ernst Krämer in accordance with the agenda. The ballots received by mail or e-mail were counted in the presence of a notary. Knuth Jasker took the minutes, Prof. Dr. Peter Kuhlang, CEO of the Deutsche MTM-Gesellschaft mbH, was present as a witness. In the invitation, the members had been asked to refrain from personal attendance.

Were elected to the executive board of the MTM ASSOCIATION e. V.:

Martin Haselhuhn, Volkswagen AG
Oskar Heer, Daimler Greater China
Michel Isermann, HELLA KGaA Hueck & Co.
Thorsten Junghanns, Airbus Defence and Space GmbH
Dr. Mathias Keil, Audi AG
Christian Köstler, DEHN SE + Co KG
Joachim Rath, Harry's Ltd. New York
Dr. Johannes Wrehde, Miele & Cie. KG

Frank Littmann, Blaser Group GmbH, Dr. Andreas Lauermann, Volkswagen AG, and Dr. Ernst Krämer, until 2018 at Miele & Cie. no longer stood for election.

In the subsequent constituent meeting of the newly elected board of the MTM ASSOCIATION e. V., the board decided, in accordance with the new statutes, to distribute the statutory management equally among all board members and thus to waive the election of a chairman.

First congratulations came from MTM CEO Knuth Jasker. He thanked the board members for their willingness to further advance the MTM ASSOCIATION e. V. as a non-profit industrial association, especially against the background of rapid technological change. There will be enough common points of contact, because Knuth Jasker will be available to the MTM organization from 2021 in an advisory capacity on the topics of digitization and internationalization.

Prof. Dr. Peter Kuhlang, CEO of the Deutsche MTM-Gesellschaft mbH, who will take over the baton from Knuth Jasker as CEO of the MTM ASSOCIATION e. V. as of January 1, 2021, is also looking forward to a constructive, harmonious cooperation with the newly elected board. As successful managers in their companies and proven experts in industrial engineering, they are predestined to fulfill the statutory mission: To make MTM the worldwide standard for the design of human work.



Your Contact

Ina Klose-Hegewald

Team Leader Communication and Marketing

Phone +49 40 822779-49